Elizabeth Fragopoulou
Harokopio University, Greece
E Fragopoulou is an Assistant Professor of Biological Chemistry of Natural Products. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry, and MSc and Doctorate in Biochemistry. She has a great experience in the isolation and structural characterization of micro-constituents extracted from foods of the Mediterranean Diet, in the study of anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative and anti-thrombotic effects of micro-constituents in cell free and cell culture systems. Activities in terms of international recognition are the invitation for two review articles “Food ingredients and lipid mediators” and “Lipid minor constituents in wines: A biochemical approach in the French paradox”. In addition she has experience in the designing and the implementation of clinical trials. She has been involved in 12 research projects with national and international collaborations and funding, of which in 2 she was the Research Supervisor. She has 60 research and review articles published in peer-reviewed journals.
Abstract : Cardioprotective effect of moderate wine consumption